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VerriKerri . We Care .
Our family business gives us a way to financially support organizations around the country and world that serve those with disabilities, and it provides Kerri, our own adult, special needs daughter, with a job see About VerriKerri.
Featured Soaps

“I love your handmade soaps. They smell so great, and they’re almost too pretty to use! I have a bar in my guest bathroom and people always say how wonderful it smells!”

““ … It’s such a treat to open the mailbox and be greeted with the wonderful scent of a package from you guys! I love your soap, and I love the lip balm too!””

“Tell your soap maker friends …. this is the nicest soap I have ever used. It smells gorgeous, is soft and creamy and doesn’t leave my skin dry.”

“We really like your soaps. That’s why I’m back, ordering another 10 bars. Looking forward to trying a few of your new selections. Keep up the good work!”

“I love and am addicted to your soaps and skin cream and oil! I have the foaming soap in the bathroom, and the cream — wonderful on my cracked, chapped hands— in the bedroom!”