VerriKerri_with catsWe created VerriKerri – a natural, handmade soap company – in 2011 in order to work more deliberately with Kerri, our adult, special needs daughter. Growing this family business gives us a way to spend time with her, produce an enjoyable, healthful, and necessary item for daily use, and give back to others.

By involving Kerri in our soap business, we also believe that she brings a little happiness to others. Whether she’s selling our soap to customers at a craft fair or conference, or helping us deliver it when we donate soap to local charities, she can serve others – as a friendly young woman using her God-given abilities and sharing her positive attitude with everyone she meets.

We are committed to supporting organizations throughout the United States and abroad that serve people with special needs. Therefore, 100% of our net proceeds are directed to these groups.

Individuals with disabilities living in the U.S. are blessed in many ways. Although they face more challenges in their lives than does the general population, our society continues to improve the support system and the resource network available to them.

Unfortunately, this support is not available to similar individuals living in many other areas of the world. Numerous countries located in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere do not provide support to their disabled population; instead, far too often treat them as outcasts. Because of societal or cultural beliefs, children and adults with disabilities in these countries are neglected, shamed, abandoned, sometimes tortured, or even killed. So — in addition to donating to organizations in the U.S., we also support groups that are currently working in a few of these other areas to change attitudes, provide care and therapy, and show love to this population.

We thank you for your interest, current or future purchases, and support. We appreciate it!

- Kerri, Vicki and Dave Hartig




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